
There is an amazing wealth of information on the Internet for new knitters like myself. I have found video tutorials on everything from different kinds of casting on to new stitches. While searching the web for information to make me a better knitter, I came across a few sites that every new knitter would find helpful. Some have video tutorials and some offer instructions and others support. I hope that someone else can find them as useful as I did. They are all free to use although some may require that you become a registered member of their site.

  1. http://www.knittinghelp.com/ -They offer video tutorials on almost everything you need to learn to knit.

  2. http://www.knitty.com/ - Great information - I learned the Kitchener stitch here - plus amazing and fun patterns - all free!

  3. http://knitting.about.com/ - More fun stuff here plus loads of info and very easy patterns for beginners.

  4. http://www.craftster.org/ - I have made quite a few online knitting friends here that I can ask for help when I need it.

  5. http://www.lionbrand.com/ - They have tons of free patterns for all level of knitters and crocheters.

I hope this info is helpful to anyone out there who feels a little intimidated by the prospect of learning to knit. I know I did when I first started and still do at times. There are quite a few things that I have still to learn - one day I will master Continental knitting and learn how to sew so I can finally make a real sweater! Until then, I just enjoy the feeling of accomplishment whenever I learn something new or finish a scarf or a hat!

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