The musings of a New York Knitter
Posted by
9:12 PM
However, per my Dr's instructions - I need complete rest for a week or so - that means no knitting, no typing, no anything. Not that I can anyway - the pain is so intense. Last night I woke in extreme pain from my hand to my shoulder and my hand was all red and swollen. All I can do is read and watch TV.
Knitty Gritty anyone?
Posted by
11:14 PM
For all you crafters out there with big mushy hearts like mine- I came across a great way to use your scrap yarn, felt, and/or fabric. It's called the Snuggles Project.
Basically you just make little blankets and send them to animal shelters for the lonely puppies and cats...they even have statistics that say animals are more likely to be adopted when they have a snuggle blanket! :)
The organization works with shelters worldwide and bring a little comfort and warmth to animals that really need it. You can get more info on their website at: http://www.snugglesproject.org/ They have the sizes that are needed on the website and even provide wonderful patterns for anyone unsure of what would work best.
So when you are knitting up your fall sweaters and Christmas gifts, save those bits of yarn and make a warm blankie for some sweet pup to snuggle into.
Posted by
1:35 AM
There is an amazing wealth of information on the Internet for new knitters like myself. I have found video tutorials on everything from different kinds of casting on to new stitches. While searching the web for information to make me a better knitter, I came across a few sites that every new knitter would find helpful. Some have video tutorials and some offer instructions and others support. I hope that someone else can find them as useful as I did. They are all free to use although some may require that you become a registered member of their site.
http://www.knittinghelp.com/ -They offer video tutorials on almost everything you need to learn to knit.
http://www.knitty.com/ - Great information - I learned the Kitchener stitch here - plus amazing and fun patterns - all free!
http://knitting.about.com/ - More fun stuff here plus loads of info and very easy patterns for beginners.
http://www.craftster.org/ - I have made quite a few online knitting friends here that I can ask for help when I need it.
http://www.lionbrand.com/ - They have tons of free patterns for all level of knitters and crocheters.
I hope this info is helpful to anyone out there who feels a little intimidated by the prospect of learning to knit. I know I did when I first started and still do at times. There are quite a few things that I have still to learn - one day I will master Continental knitting and learn how to sew so I can finally make a real sweater! Until then, I just enjoy the feeling of accomplishment whenever I learn something new or finish a scarf or a hat!
Posted by
12:46 AM
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