Being a knitter in New York City is almost sinful! We have such a huge variety of yarn stores to choose from. If there's something you want and can't find at one store - jump on the subway uptown or down and I guarantee you'll find it at another. I have quite a few that I love to visit, but my absolute favorite two are School Products and Seaport Yarn.
Until recently, I worked 2 blocks from School Products and during lunch or after a stressful day of work I would just walk over and de-stress by enjoying the texture of the yarn. Located at 1201 Broadway - just off of 28th Street - it's easy to get to and has the most amazing selection of high quality speciality yarns. You can buy cones of yarn, designer leftovers, delicious Italian merinos, cashmere, angoras and camels. If it all sounds too rich for your blood don't worry, you can find the most amazing deals in their bargain bins. There is something here for everyone and it is defiantly worth a look.
Seaport Yarn, my other absolute favorite NYC yarn store, is a little off the beaten path - but, Oh! it's worth it! My first trip to Seaport was about 2 years ago. I had been buying yarn from small local shops and needed a specific yarn that they did not have. Nothing could have ever prepared me for what I was about to experience. As I walked in I was met in a small foyer by a very friendly staff member. She asked if you need any help - of course I said "no", as I wanted to browse. She smiled and said if I needed any help to just holler...and then she opened the doors to paradise!
Seaport Yarns is located in an office building at 135 William Street on the Fifth Floor. It is an office space. A rather large space, with many different rooms. All those rooms are filled from floor to ceiling with yarns. All types of yarns. All colors, adn variations. The hallways are lined with cubbys filled with yarn. I don't think there is a bare inch of wall or tabletop space. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
I didn't know which way to turn. I was in shock and it showed. That first day, I walked out with only the yarn I went there to buy. Nothing else. I was that overwhelmed! Of course, that no longer happens. Seaport has been the main contributor to my burgeoning stash. I don't blame them. They can't help being so damned addictive! So reader - Beware! Walking into Seaport Yarns may fuel an addiction you never knew you had.
Along with School products and Seaport Yarns, I have added a list of my favorite yarn stores to visit while in NYC and a list of really great yarn websites. Although buying yarn from the Internet is sometimes convenient, it will never replace the sheer pleasure of walking into a yarn store and touching the yarn. Part of knitting for me is the texture of the yarn as it slides through my fingers. I love the experience. It's one of my absolute favorite things to do. Enjoy your kniiting and feel up a skein every once in a while. And when you are in Nwe York City, Dop by some of our "local yarn stores", but be prepared to fall in love.
Knitting in New York
Posted by
1:38 PM
Socks, Socks and more Socks
I have been getting nothing but requests for socks! I have been quite lazy and have not been knitting for the past week or so- but my friends and family have been feeling Old Man Winter nipping at their toes. They are all requesting socks. Luckily they are easy to knit up. I think it will be a Wool Sock Christmas this year. I know everyone will love them.
On a totally different note - I have been browsing some of the other knitting blogs and Oh My God - they are amazing! I feel like a rank amateur. I have added a list of my favorites. There are just a few right now, but from what I have seen so far, I'm certain that list will be growing!
Thank you all for your inspiration and motivation. If I can bring my work to half the level of some of yours, I will be one happy knitter!
Posted by
1:32 PM
Slowly and Steadily...
I have also found a bin that I stashed in my son's closet with half finished afghans - guess what my next project is? Iam slowly going through my stash bit by bit. I plan to gift the majority of it at Christmas. Aren't you gald you're not on my list?!
I have tons of Lambs Pride worsted wool and no ideas for it. How I wished someone else read my blog to give some ideas for it. It is so itchy and uncomfortable for clothing and not really washable enough for an afghan. I guess I could make bags out of it. - Oh! my daughter has a bag she made and all it needs is a handle - hmmm... I'll have to post a pic of it when I find it. It's in a bin in her room.
Man, I would love a trip to my LYS...I need a fix!
Posted by
12:51 AM
Attack of The Scarves and Brown One Hat
Isn't it great when you can finally pick yourself out of the dumps and get your shit back together again? I went through a Picasso-ish "I'm blue" period for a week. I didn't paint though. I just felt sorry for myself. It seemed that life just wasn't going the way I wanted too; that my problems we're the biggest in the world and I just wallowed in the self pity. I actually starting despising myself for the way I was behaving.
So before I began to kick my own ass - I bought a pint of Haagen-Dazs, had a good cry while watching "An Affair to Remember" - (it always makes me cry) - and then I pulled myself together. Pity party was over.
Once I recovered from the doldrums I picked up my needles and attacked my stash! I had an "Attack of the Scarves!" I have just completed quite a few holiday gifts. I'm hoping to keep the momentum going until my stash is gone. Then I can go shopping for more yarn! Oh, I can't wait! There's still quite a lot left though. What do I do with the bits and pieces? Clothes for my nieces barbie and Biddy baby? Hmmmmm?! Sounds like a good idea!
Time to Knit!
Posted by
10:20 PM
I am just not motivated to knit.
This time of year always gets my juices flowing - why do I feel this way? I have two projects that I need to finish and for whatever reason I just keep walking by them.
I want something exciting! Something fun. In my last post I promised not to buy any more yarn until my stash was done - I need more yarn. New yarn always lets my creative juices flowing.
I went through my old yarn and I have a lot of small amounts of yarn. Not enough of one yarn to complete a large project. How many socks can I make before I go mad?! What do I do with one skein of a yarn and half skein of another?
Aarrrgh! I'm just in a rut.
I'll give myself a couple of days more and I'm sure I'll be okay. My sisters birthday gift is one of my projects that's sitting waiting to be finished and her b-day is on the 18th of September, I need to get my ass motivated and moving!
Wish me luck.
Posted by
6:26 PM
The Stash That Ate Brooklyn!
Ummm...well...I started pulling out yarn that I forgot I had from the back of almost every closet in the house. My living room floor was covered with yarn in varying fiber, textures and colors. It looked like a yarn monster threw up all over my house.
I was shocked! I stood there and couldn't believe that I had purchased so much yarn and it was all sitting in bags and boxes in the back of closets. Of course some of it was left over from projects that I had completed, but I also have a lot of yarn that I bought because I had to have it. It was too beautiful to pass up and I had to have it! I also have 2 daughters with the same compulsion of buying yarn that was just too hard to leave in the store. So try and visualize the pile I am talking about.
Bravely, I decided to press forward and complete the task I set for myself. With my son looking over my shoulder and making smart-assed comments like "Mom, I think you have enough yarn to knit the hole in the ozone layer closed", I began to organize my yarn by weights. (I can now make a lot of socks for Christmas gifts.)
Once I was done - I started the unpleasant job of untangling the yarns that got knotted in the bottom of wherever I stuck them and the ones my daughter Cris used. She's got a knack for tangling yarn. It's a special talent that only she possesses. That took a few more hours that I planned.
Once I got everything organized - I realized that those lovely wicker baskets weren't really going to help - what was I thinking?! Was I really that unaware of how much yarn I had? Not bloody likely! It was just wishful thinking.
So - I roused my husband and sent him out for storage bins. 4 1/2 hours later, I was putting my yarns in the really large zipper bags and placing them in the bins. I have four bins in total, The yarn is all sorted by weight and in some cases fiber, organized and labeled. I even got up the energy and sorted out my needles and notions and organized them in the wicker baskets and put them on top of the bins.
It took my a bit longer than planned but I accomplished my task! Yay me!!! Now I can focus on my knitting and crocheting. Oh, and i've promised not to buy anymore yarn until my stash is gone. :-( That's gonna be a challenge. Well, I guess i'll be making a lot of scarves, hats and socks for the holidays!!
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Baby, Blankies, booties, Crocheting, hats, Knitting, Stash, Yarn