It is 10 days shy of three months since I have picked up my knitting needles. The last thing I made was a pink and white cotton snuggle blanket for my Kiwi. She was very ill and had to be put to sleep. I took her to the vet all swaddled in it. I made it the night before and it was the very last time she laid in my lap while I knitted. Every time I think about knitting that blankie I weep. After she was put to sleep, I wrapped her in it and kissed her goodbye. She was cremated with it. That was the last thing I made and now I can't knit anymore. Kiwi loved to sit on my knitting and lay on my yarn. There wasn't a thing I made that didn't have her ok stamp on it. She loved when I knitted. I haven't had the desire to pick up my needles since then. I look at my yarn and needles and I feel nothing. A huge part of the joy I felt when knitting was having her by my side. Watching her get all tangled in the yarn and fall asleep on my unfinished work. I can't face that loneliness yet. I am terrified to knit without her. It will make losing her even more real. Make my loss even more painful. I'm not ready to leave her yet. And until I am, I will not be picking up my needles and making anything for anyone. My needles and heart still belong to Kiwi.
I’ve Lost That Knitting Feeling
Posted by
5:31 PM
Ravelry and Me
Posted by
11:22 PM
I Miss Knitting!!
It's been a while since I have posted anything. My wrists have been killing me and I have not been able to knit at all. I can't begin to tell you how sad I have been because of this. It's like going through withdrawal!
Since I have been unable to wield my needles and create my masterpeices, I decided to find pictures of some of my earlier work so I can have something to post. So here they are, my sad contributions until I can knit confortably again.
My 4 year old neice Gracie's Poncho and Hat
Gracie's Christmas Hat, Scarf and Muff - 2006
Last years Christmas hat and scarf
Gracie's Santa Scarf with matching Hat and Mittens - 2007
Okay! I cheated and knitted this one thing for Gracie...don't tell my doctor!
She got it on Thanksgiving day and has been wearing it everyday since!
Posted by
3:38 PM